Cyprus Subsea provides the highest quality dissolved gas sensors on the market for marine profiling in partnership with the 4H-JENA Engineering GmbH. Cyprus Subsea also works closely with 4H-JENA Engineering on custom integrations with autonomous platforms like gliders as demonstrated during the Carbon Glider Project. Data collection services are jointly offered as well.
4H-JENA Engineering manufactures high quality, tailor-made measurement technology. From optical instruments to underwater measurements to the reconstruction of historical astronomical devices, 4H-JENA offers solutions in various industries.
They design, plan, and construct complete, low-maintenance flow systems. In particular, these flow systems are for in situ determination of physical and biogeochemical parameters in surface water. Designed for both mobile operations as well as stationary, unattended use on ferries, container ships, and autonomous stations.
Subsea & Underwater Sensors
Cyprus Subsea offers 4H-JENA CONTROS carbon and dissolved gas sensors trusted to deliver precise readings for diverse applications. These 4H-JENA CONTROS sensors enable climate researchers to contribute towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Both the CONTROS HydroC™ CO2 and CONTROS HydroC™ CH4 sensors are designed for in situ and online measurements. The CONTROS HydroC™ CO2 sensor captures critical carbon dioxide data on fixed and mobile platforms including ROVs and AUVs. While the CONTROS HydroC™ CH4 is the ideal solution for monitoring background methane concentrations and detecting high peaks of methane in the deep sea environment.

The CONTROS HydroC™ CO₂ sensor is a unique and versatile subsea and underwater carbon dioxide sensor for in-situ and online measurements of dissolved CO₂. The CONTROS HydroC™ CO₂ performs well on different platforms and follows various deployment schemes.
- Moving platform installations such as ROVs & AUVs
- Long-term deployments on seabed observatories, buoys & moorings
- Profiling using water-sampling rosettes

The CONTROS HydroC™ CH₄ sensor is a unique subsea and underwater methane sensor for in-situ and online measurements of CH₄ partial pressure (pCH₄).
The versatile CONTROS HydroC™ CH₄ provides the perfect solution for the monitoring of background CH₄ concentrations and for long term deployments.
Flow- Through Systems
4H-JENA also produces flow-through systems for the determination of total alkalinity (TA) in seawater and pH values in both saline solutions and brackish waters. These TA and pH autonomous analyzers characterize the marine carbonate system to the level of accuracy required by marine scientists.

The CONTROS HydroFIA™ TA is a flow through system for the determination of the total alkalinity in seawater. It can be used for continuous monitoring during surface water applications as well as for discrete sample measurements.
Expect easy integration of this autonomous TA analyser into existing automated measuring systems on voluntary observing ships (VOS) – FerryBoxes.

The CONTROS HydroFIA™ pH is a flow-through system for the determination of the pH value in saline solutions and ideally suited for measurements in seawater.
- Laboratory
- Existing automated measuring systems
- Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS)