Cyprus Subsea develops products that add value to autonomous observing systems through increased capabilities and lower costs.
In addition, Cyprus Subsea is an Authorized Distributor of a number of manufacturers. We sell state-of-the-art equipment manufactured by 4H-Jena Engineering, HII Unmanned Systems, Hydromea, MetOcean Telematics, MRV Systems, Ocean Sonics, R2Sonic, Star Oddi, and SubC Imaging.
Carbon & Dissolved Gas Sensors

Cyprus Subsea offers accurate carbon and dissolved gas sensors trusted to deliver precise readings for diverse applications.
The 4H-Jena CONTROS HydroC™ CO2 and CH4 sensors are designed for in situ and online measurements. The CONTROS HydroC™ CO2 sensor captures critical carbon dioxide data on fixed and mobile platforms including ROVs & AUVs. While the CONTROS HydroC™ CH4 is the ideal solution for the monitoring of background methane concentrations and detecting high peaks of methane in the deep sea environment.
The CONTROS HydroC™ CO2 and CH4 sensors were deployed on a Seaglider in Alaskan waters as apart of the Carbon Seaglider Project.
4H-Jena also produces flow-through systems for the determination of total alkalinity (TA) in seawater and pH values in both saline solutions and brackish waters. These TA and pH autonomous analyzers characterize the marine carbonate system to the level of accuracy required by marine scientists.
Ocean Acoustics Payloads
Cyprus Subsea develops ocean acoustic monitoring and detection systems. Both passive and active ocean acoustic monitoring and detection payloads have been integrated with autonomous ocean platforms, such as buoys and gliders. Most importantly, these payloads drastically increase the ability to monitor the ocean while keeping energy and monetary costs low.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Buoy

The Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Buoy offers real-time acoustic monitoring with a digital hydrophone, environmental data buoy and GSM Bridge.
When deployed in the ocean, the PAM Buoy captures sounds from the surrounding environment and facilitates real-time acoustic data transmission.
Cyprus Subsea has integrated a digital hydrophone with a GSM bridge to provide users with real time connection to their hydrophone thus facilitating both an acoustic stream and detected events.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Recorder

This Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) system consists of an Ocean Sonics icListen Kayak hydrophone and recorder. The icListen Kayak Smart Hydrophone is the industry’s most sensitive broadband digital hydrophone. The icListen Kayak’s new architecture is compact, energy efficient, and scalable. This smart hydrophone has a wide dynamic range for high quality data and long term stability.
Deployable to a maximum ocean depth of 900 meters, the PAM Recorder captures sounds from the surrounding subsea environment. This compact, all-in-one instrument processes data while streaming HD acoustic data in real time. While the recorder stores more acoustic data during long deployments.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) with Gliders

For Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for gliders, the gListen Board is an Ethernet to RS-232 converter with voltage regulation and onboard memory for downloading data.
Paired with an OceanSonics icListen digital hydrophone, the gListen board keeps track of events detected by the hydrophone. At the end of each dive, the board reports the detected events via satellite.
The board facilitates near real-time event detection and spectrum retrieval. In addition, user-configured frequency spectra can be transmitted.
Underwater Echosounders

Cyprus Subsea engineered the DeepEcho Module — the first scientific wide-band echosounder – deployable to a depth of 1000 meters – successfully integrated onto an ocean glider.
The DeepEcho module was deployed on a Seaglider in the Arctic as part of the BIOGLIDER Project.
Multibeam Systems

Cyprus Subsea also offers R2Sonic’s multibeam sonars. R2Sonic delivers truly innovative products at compelling value and quality. Their series of multibeam echosounders provides superior performance and flexibility in a reliable, light weight, power efficient, and space saving package.
Cable Assemblies

Cyprus Subsea manufactures and molds subsea cable assemblies to integrate various sensors and platforms.
In addition, we developed the Smart Interoperable Real-time Maritime Assembly (SIRMA™) – a re-programmable cable assembly connecting a marine sensor to a platform. Designed to reduce the costs of adopting marine autonomous systems, SIRMA™ simplifies the integration of a new sensor with a platform.
Developed through the RIF-funded SMART Cable Project, SIRMA™ consists of a low-power modular printed circuit board embedded between two cable connectors. This cable assembly allows several functionalities – from data processing to data logging to voltage regulation between a sensor and a platform such as a glider, AUV, or buoy. SIRMA™ turns any cable assembly from a passive device into a smart processing unit.