A Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) system consists of an Ocean Sonics icListen Kayak hydrophone and recorder. The icListen Kayak Smart Hydrophone is the industry’s most sensitive broadband digital hydrophone. The icListen Kayak’s new architecture is compact, energy efficient and scalable. This smart hydrophone has a wide dynamic range for high quality data & long term stability.
Deployable to a maximum ocean depth of 900 meters, the PAM Recorder captures sounds from the surrounding subsea environment. This compact, all-in-one instrument processes data while streaming HD acoustic data in real time, while the recorder allows for acoustic data to be stored during long deployments.
Real-Time MSFD Compliant Noise Monitoring
The PAM system has a built-in algorithm to convert the acoustic stream into Sound Pressure Level (SPL), compliant with MSFD requirements and transmits the report in real-time.
Key Features of Ocean Sonics icListen Kayak Hydrophone
- Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM)
- Bandwidth: 10 Hz – 200 kHz
- Sampling Rate: 1 – 480 kS/sec
- Resolution: 24 bits
- Dynamic Range: 124 dB
- Sensitivity: -186 dBV re μPa
- Data Storage: 4TB
- Power Draw: 1.5W
- Input Voltage Range: 10 – 30 V
- Communication Interface: USB and Serial
- Maximum Cable Length: 70 m
Teledyne Reson Element: TC4059
- Omnidirectional in the full frequency range
- Extreme wide frequency range
- Durable construction combined with long term stability – a sensor you can rely on long term deployment
- Individually calibrated – reducing measurement uncertainty
Battery pack options are available for long-term remote deployments.