BRIDGES developed two new underwater platforms – Deep (2400 m) and UltraDeep (5000 m) gliders. Project partners made several technical achievements to produce these platforms. The project addressed real commercial needs in the fields of environmental monitoring, oil and gas and deep sea mining.
As a core member and Work Package leader of BRIDGES, CSCS was responsible for defining and preparing the new systems to meet standards regarding measurement data and metadata. In addition, CSCS specified and prepared the oil and gas payloads that were tested, installed and demonstrated on the two prototypes. CSCS defined in detail the types of applications the market is likely to support for these novel platforms. These applications include innovative mission design tools to further add value to and minimize the costs of glider missions.
Ultimately, these gliders will be commercialized by partner ALSEAMAR.

BRIDGES received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 635359.