The Maritime Cognitive Decision Support System (MARI-Sense) project was co-financed with 1 Million Euro by the European Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (grant number INTEGRATED/0918/0032).
MARI-Sense developed intelligent systems that allow human operators make sense of a complex maritime environment. These intelligent systems apply to transport and shipping, coastal tourism, search and rescue and maritime spatial planning.

MARI-Sense was a strategic project for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This strategy provided beneficial impact on society, technology and the economy. It was powered by the diverse capabilities of members of the quadruple helix and the general public.
Work Package 6 Leader
Cyprus Subsea led Work Package 6: MARI-Lab Integration and Setup. With expertise in practical maritime system implementations, CSCS led:
- Task 6.1: Design, develop and setup the MARI-Lab land base station, underwater node, intelligent buoy node and autonomous surface vehicle;
- Task 6.2: Perform preliminary acquisition of data and test communication links; and
- Task 6.3: MARI-Lab Setup.

In addition to leading the integration and setup of the MARI-Lab maritime laboratory, Cyprus Subsea extended its experience in maritime sensing and data standardization. Cyprus Subsea applied its expertise in the development and utilization of data standardization on new platforms.
The project’s scientific and technological objectives at the maritime laboratory were multifacted.
- Designing marine nodes with onboard processing capabilities for smart sensing
- Power and bandwidth saving
- Remote sensing capabilities
- Sensor interconnectivity for swarm intelligence
- Access to MARI-Lab.
Fellow consortium collaborators within this Work Package included:
- Cyprus Research and Innovation Center (CyRIC)
- AI Zerocaliber
- KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus
- Algolysis
- Limassol Nautical Club (LNC)
- Cyprus Technological University (CUT)
- PHOEBE Research and Innovation
- Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB)
Overall Goal
In collaboration with a consortium of 12 high-profile partners, the overall goal of the project was to design and develop a one-stop Cognitive Decision Support System essential to entities that need to “make sense of the maritime environment” via intelligent collection, interpretation and meaningful presentation of maritime data.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s European Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation under grant agreement No INTEGRATED/0918/0032.