Cyprus Subsea provides marine data products and telematic solutions with a range of telecommunications & wireless technologies. The technologies are available with support from our network providing satellite connections. For local connectivity, we also provide custom real-time connections from seafloor to office using a combination of acoustics and the most appropriate above water links. We also facilitate the collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of measurements through databases and online interfaces following international standards.

Marine Data Products
- Collection and/or analysis and reporting of measurements from various platforms: AUVs, USVs, landers, moorings, floats, drifters, ships & ROVs. Customized to user requirements: full ocean depth
- Multi-beam bathymetric surveys
- Seafloor habitat & substrate mapping
- Fisheries, aquaculture & port water quality monitoring
- Water & sediment sampling and analysis in partnership with Food Labs
- Passive & active acoustic monitoring
- Marine mammal observer
- Environmental assessments of underwater acoustic noise
- Monitoring and mitigation for marine life, including sea mammals
- Locating sound sources, such as pipeline leaks, malfunctioning equipment, or flight data recorders
- Echo-sounder fish, plankton, & bubble detection & quantification
Cyprus Subsea is the official representative for MetOcean in Cyprus and Greece.

We offer:
- Iridium Satellite phones & SIM cards
- Iridium Satellite Airtime Plans (RUDICS, CSD, SBD, voice)
- Iridium Certus Broadband
CSCS partners with Seatronics, a specialist in subsea telecommunication solutions.

- Wireless Mesh Network
- Exchange video, system data and voice
- Up to 8.9 Mb/s of traffic
- Range up to 10km node to node
- Simple to install & operate

- Secure one-way digital link
- Digital link for video, audio & data
- Proven range of 20km
- Resistant to multipath problems
Feel free to reach out about your marine data & telematics needs.