Cyprus Subsea provides its clients with the oceanographic knowledge they need through a variety of services.

Autonomous Marine Platforms:
Operation, Maintenance, & Customization
We specialize in the operation, maintenance, and development of custom monitoring capabilities of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) – in particular ocean gliders. CSCS also prepares, operates, and maintains other autonomous platforms, such as surface vehicles (ASVs), surface drifters, profiling floats, fixed observatories, and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

Oceanographic Sensors: Integration & Testing
We procure oceanographic sensors from out network and integrate them with autonomous marine platforms – from AUVs to ASVs, buoys and ROVs. We do rigorous testing in scientific experiments whenever possible.

Equipment Rental
In addition to selling new oceanographic systems as an Authorized Distributor of various manufacturers, Cyprus Subsea owns and maintains a number of oceanographic instruments available for rent. Sensors, platforms, and several combinations can be provided as needed.
Ocean Data

Ocean Data Maps
As a member of the STEAM Project, CSCS built a data sharing platform for the maritime sector. In particular, one of STEAM’s primary tasks is to develop innovative technological solutions that provide real-time information regarding the state of the sea. All actors involved in marine navigation greatly value this information. Overall, STEAM’s data sharing platform increases the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of port operations.
This ocean data maps displays environmental monitoring data related to various parameters – ocean biogeochemical as well as sea physics and meteorological.
Data Management, Telecommunications, Storage & Provision, Processing & Analysis
Cyprus Subsea facilitates the collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of measurements through databases and online interfaces following international standards. We also provide telematic solutions – telecommunications & wireless technologies – with support from our network for satellite connections. For local connectivity, we also provide custom real-time connections from seafloor to office using a combination of acoustics and the most appropriate above water links.

Ocean Modelling & Prediction
We generate predictions for currents, waves and trajectories for pollution or objects. In addition, we produce analysis and reporting of large environmental data sets for baseline, operation planning or offshore design requirements.