[Podcast] Climate Monitoring in the Arctic Ocean

The most recent Cyprus News Digest with Rosie Charalambous features an interview with Dr. Daniel Hayes.

During the first segment of the Cyprus News Digest Podcast, they discuss the Oceanography Center of the University of Cyprus research agreement for climate monitoring in the Arctic Ocean and Dr. Hayes’ important glider work in the Arctic.

Rosie Charalambous & Dr. Hayes have a rich conversation about:

  • ocean circulation and how it drives the climate of the earth’s system
  • how the glider and sensors operate
  • oceans as a complex system
  • strong advantage of the glider
  • importance of observational data

In addition, Dr. Hayes explains how he remotely controlled the glider from Cyprus. He adapted the mission to the researchers’ needs, harsh conditions of the Arctic and glider’s power capacity. The rich data collected over the course of two months maps changes in Arctic Ocean. This data is shared internationally, and researchers will be analyzing them for years to come to better forecast changes to the climate.

Although scientists may not provide political solutions, they ensure society knows facts about the living ocean and climate change to aid future policymaking.

Have a listen to the full podcast: https://cyprus-mail.com/2020/10/09/ucy-is-mapping-changes-in-the-arctic-ocean/