2nd Annual Dual Use Marine Technologies Workshop – Agenda

You’re invited to the 2nd Annual Dual Use Marine Technologies Workshop.

This two day workshop is co-organized alongside the Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean (Mar.In.E.M) and the Cyprus University of Technology and supported by the EU-funded PROteuS (PROmoting security and safeTy by crEating a MED clUster on Maritime Surveillance) project.

This workshop brings together marine and maritime technology providers, operators and regulators to share the latest technological advancements to address the needs of users. Industry experts will present offshore commercial, research and security applications including sonars, radars and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).

The workshop also provides Cypriot government officials a venue to share their experiences and provide insight into their needs to protect of human life, natural and cultural heritage and reduce maritime accidents. With leading providers and researchers in the field of marine and maritime technologies in the audience, this initial session will set the tone for the entire workshop to address real world needs.

Please register for this free workshop through Eventbrite.

Here is the full agenda: